Tuesday, October 16, 2007

City beach

At Gwangalli beach we made light circles that merged nicely with the surrounding city lights. Bypassers stood still at the promenade to enjoy the sight. We had our drinks, ate pizzas and finally said goodbye.

Best project

Together with tutors from the university and the students we selected best project out of nine presentations. The winning team passionately presented a complete and credible concept that could truly reduce CO2 exhaust if realized.

Translation devices

With students from South Korea, China and even Russia communication took place in different languages. Translation devices proofed to be very helpful in the proces.

Frozen footsteps

Is it because of workmen in a hurry that these footsteps were created or because of pedestrians that wanted to leave a personal mark?

At the fish market

We have visited the Sasang and Nampodong neighbourhoods to find subjects for our Typical Busan presentation. Some people at the fish market were surprised by our way of taking pictures.

Room with a view

Busan’s city lights shimmer on the first night of our arrival. Our room was situated on one of the upper floors in the Millenium building of Dongseo University.